The Frown, The Smirk and The Snort – Part II

So in my previous post, we learned what you should NEVER do when someone says something you absolutely know is incorrect. Today, let’s look at some things you can do when facing this situation:

  1. Check out what’s inside your brain. It should NOT be, “I’ll show her how wrong she is.” It should rather be: “Hmm. I wonder if she knows something I don’t know about this.”
  2. Listen. Listen. Listen. Let her say everything she has to say before you interject anything (especially that frowning, smirky, snort.)
  3. After you have heard her, say the following words: “Wow. That’s interesting. That’s not what I understood about this. Tell me more.” (I know… probably the LAST thing you want to say.)
  4. If you need to share what you think to be true, you can later say something like, “That really is interesting. I had been under the impression that…(here you can share your understanding.) But I certainly could be wrong.”

Watch what happens! You will be surprised how many times the other person says, “Oh, well, maybe I’m wrong too, but…” Or maybe they won’t. But one thing is for sure; you didn’t make her look wrong and/or be bad and you have not only spared a relationship, you may have actually strengthened it.

There is a bonus to this technique, also. To her – and especially to anyone watching – this approach will make you look really, really good. You see, if you are indeed right that she is wrong, the other people in the room probably know it also. Then, if you do NOT attempt to correct her, the onlookers will see you as a person of grace, compassion and caring.

And what was it your mother use to tell you? I think it was something like, “Wipe that smirk off your face!” Good advice. *** Are you a visual learner? If so, checkout the video blog this coming Friday for an entertaining and funny review of this topic.

Linda Larsen, CSP, humorist and motivational keynote speaker, brings entertaining, content-rich, hilarious and riveting presentations to conferences world-wide. She is passionate about helping people realize their fullest potential in every area of their lives and live with what she calls, “Honker Happiness.” Best-selling author of 12 Secrets to High Self-Esteem audio program, 5 video programs and the critically acclaimed book, True Power. She can be reached at and 941-927-4700

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A Smiling Linda Larsen

About Author Linda Larsen, CSP, CPAE

Linda Larsen, CSP, CPAE is a Hall of Fame Speaker, former professional actress, best-selling author and serious lover of doggies. Hailed as fall-out-of-your-seat funnny with seriously life-changing content, speaks at conferences and meetings around the world, helping people bring the very best version of themselves to life every day! To talk to Linda about how she can contribute to the success of your next event, call 941-927-4700. Or go to Book Linda Now!

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