I’m a motivational speakerby profession, which means my job is to help you get what you want out of life. And if I am totally honest, the fact is that sometimes I forget to actually do some of the things I have suggested to people. So on January 1st I did something for myself that I did years ago that was extremely effectively in helping me meet my goals for that year. It’s already having the same effect after only about a week of creating it.
It’s the old tried and true Vision Board. You know the drill. You sit around with lots of old magazines, cut out pictures and phrases that represent goals, qualities and states of being that you want in your life for that year. You glue them all on a big poster board and hang it up where you can look at it every day. The idea is that when you look at the photos, the images work on your subconscious in a very powerful way.
It. Totally. Works.
If you look closely at the picture on my board you will see where I envision myself heading this year, and want I plan to accomplish. Besides wanting to travel more, strengthen my love relationships and exponentially improve my speaking career, a big goal for 2015 is to achieve optimum health, and that, of course, means working out regularly. So I cut out pictures of a woman in great shape working out and looking like she was loving it. Three times now, I have gotten up in the morning seriously not feeling like working out. The excuses were endless, “I didn’t get enough sleep, my head hurts, my toenails need polishing (I’m pitiful.) When I realized I was sabotaging myself, I simply stared at the vision board for about 30 seconds and let the images work on me. And bam! I dropped all the excuses and got to the gym.
I do not know WHY this works. I am just telling you that it does. That board is powerful powerful stuff. It makes you FEEL different – not just THINK different.
So get thee to an office supply store, pick up a $7.00 poster board and get busy! Make it fun! Make it rich! Make it work for you!!