William Shakespeare could have been a motivational speaker in his time, because wow – did he have a way with words. In Twelfth Night, Sebastian doesn’t merely toss a casual “thanks” in Antonio’s direction after he has been extended such kind concern and thoughtfulness. Instead he says, “I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.”
Apparently Sebastian knew things. Things like how people LOVE it when you extend your sincere, heartfelt appreciation to them for something they have done. They reeeeally love it. It makes them want to do more for you.
So without attaching an ulterior motive to your expressions of gratitude, I’m going to extend a challenge to you. I’ve got a graduate level challenge and a undergraduate level challenge. Here they are:
Undergraduate Challenge: Each day for the next thirty days, think of one person you know who has done something nice for you, or just done something pretty wonderful. Someone you would like to acknowledge and/or thank for that great thing they did. And then email, call, go face-to-face, or send an actual real live card in the mail (Hey – go send a thank you card for F.R.E.E. right here. One of them – free. Stamp and all. On me.) Thirty days. One person each day.
Graduate Challenge: Do the exact same thing but do it for three people each day for a total of NINETY people at the end of the thirty days.
When you are finished with the challenge, I promise you – you are going to feel amazing just knowing that you put massive positive energy out into the world. And you are going to make a LOT of people feel pretty fabulous as well.
And to you I say…what else? Thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.
To book motivational speaker Linda Larsen to speak at your next conference, call 941-927-4700