Motivational Speaker
Linda Larsen, CSP, CPAE
Women's Hot Programs

Staying Right Side Up Program Icon

Staying Right Side Up When Everything is Upside Down

It is absolutely possible to achieve excellence when the world around you seems to be falling apart – IF you know the secrets.

Leader Know as You Program Icon

The Exponential Power of the Leader Known as YOU!

In our social capital world of disruptive innovation and customer driven outcomes, the old paradigms of leadership no longer apply. Instead, building strong, meaningful relationships keeps surfacing as one of the keys to creating a team of people who are willing to go the extra mile, stay focused on solutions and work collaboratively to reach goals.

You! Super Hero Program Icon

YOU! Super Hero! Super Star! Super Exhausted!

How to effectively help others without frying your golden Goose.This high energy, fun session is particularly well suited for people in the healthcare and service industries, and for all women’s groups)

Playing to Win Program Icon

Playing to Win – It’s Not Your Mother’s Playground Anymore

Secrets to successful gender communication. The rules in business today have changed. And yes, you can break the rules if you choose, but first you must know what they are.

Laugh It Up Program Icon

Laugh It Up! The Humor Rx for Health & Happiness

If laughing lowers our blood pressure, burns calories, reduces stress and strengthens our immune systems, then why don’t we do it more often?

To find out more about Linda’s brand new half-day workshop entitled…

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“Loved it! Loved you! What an incredible keynote and breakout session. Our attendees felt they received extremely useful and specific information; plus they had FUN!”

– Gail Winterfeld, VP
Conference Administration, National Assistance League

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Linda is a dynamic, funny and engaging speaker! Many of our attendees told us she was the best part of the entire event. We would highly recommend hiring Linda for your next event!”

– AnnaMarie Kendall
MHEDA Women in Industry Conference

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Wow!! Your presentation to us was fantastically fabulous!!! It was very powerful, informative and so relevant, not only to our practices as attorneys, but in every aspect of our lives. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

– Lynne Walde
Hillsborogh Association for Women Lawyers

Watch Linda In Action Cover Image
Motivational Speaker Linda Larsen Woman Audience Laughs and Claps
Motivational Speaker Linda Larsen Room Applauds Large