How to Get People to Say YES! to You


As a motivational speaker, I learned early on about the importance of, what I call, the “Like Factor.”

Studies show that we say yes to people we like. We accept more of their ideas, buy more of their products and services, will pay a higher price and will remain fiercely loyal to them for a long time. The question then is, how do we increase that Like Factor in our relationships.

Research shows that we quite simply tend to like people who like us. When we find out that someone likes us, the thinking might go something like this, “Well, if he likes me, he must be really smart, astute and a fine judge of character – therefore, I like him!”And it stands to reason then, that if you want more people to like you – you must start liking more people – more.

Okay fine. But what about that co-worker who is simply a pain-in-the-@$$ know-it-all jerk that NO ONE likes. Well, first ask yourself this question, “If we had a good relationship, wherein I liked him and he liked me, would my life be better?” If the answer is yes – then here’s what you can do to increase your liking for him.

Look for something that you like about him. Come on, now. Don’t say he doesn’t have anything. He does. You just may have to look really, really hard for it, but I assure you it’s there somewhere. Then, when you find it, tell him sincerely how much you like, appreciate or respect that aspect of him.

Warning: If you haven’t had the greatest of relationships up to this point, don’t expect him to scream for joy, throw his arms around you and try to give you all his money. It won’t happen. In fact, he may be suspicious of your motives.  Ignore it. Just genuinely, sincerely and truthfully tell him again that you like “x” about him – and then leave it alone.

Gradually (and the operative word here is gradually) look for other ways to communicate your liking for him, or things about him. Be patient and relaxed about it. Make certain you don’t overwhelm him with your unsolicited love and affection – which could justifiably make him wary. Take your time and be honest. You’ll be astounded at what may transpire.  

Interestingly, studies also show that if your relationship began with him NOT liking you, and then he GRADUALLY came around to liking you, he may ultimately like you more than if he had liked you from the very beginning! Now isn’t that cool!

From your motivational speaker Linda Larsen – committed to helping you get what you want!

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A Smiling Linda Larsen

About Author Linda Larsen, CSP, CPAE

Linda Larsen, CSP, CPAE is a Hall of Fame Speaker, former professional actress, best-selling author and serious lover of doggies. Hailed as fall-out-of-your-seat funnny with seriously life-changing content, speaks at conferences and meetings around the world, helping people bring the very best version of themselves to life every day! To talk to Linda about how she can contribute to the success of your next event, call 941-927-4700. Or go to Book Linda Now!

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