How To Diffuse Other People’s Anger
All of us have been on the receiving end of someone else’s anger, and through those miserable experiences, we have all learned one important thing:
"Stay Positive, Work Smart, Make it Happen!"
Linda gives people the mindset and skillset to help them:
“A smash hit!…side-splitting hilarious…meaningful and insightful” – just a few of the comments from meeting planners world-wide who chose Linda as their conference keynote speaker. Former social worker, professional comedic actress, and current popular television personality, Linda brings all the elements that you look for in a funny motivational speaker: high energy, laughter, interaction, customization and content you can use to transform your business and your life.
Watch Linda as a popular Guest Cohost of the ABC-7 television show, The Suncoast View.
Linda is “fall out of your chair funny.” Performing on stage for years with legends like the King of Comedy, Sid Caesar, will do that for you. And we all know that content wrapped in humor is more engaging and memorable.
Linda genuinely cares about the members of your audience and they FEEL it! She will make a substantial connection with you and several members of your group before, during and after her presentation.
Linda makes her points in VERY creative ways! Does the image of a grown woman on the far side of 50 wearing a helmet with a swiveling antenna sound…normal?
As a former professional actress, Linda knows how to infuse relevant content with high entertainment values. Think POWERFUL, moving stories, not dry bullet points.
Linda makes her points in VERY creative ways! Does the image of a grown woman on the far side of 50 wearing a helmet with a swiveling antenna sound…normal?
Linda LOVES presenting for ALL groups, but she is particularly popular as a motivational speaker in certain industries. She’s a very funny keynote speaker for women’s groups (both professional and women’s wellness groups), and is in constant demand as a conference speaker for healthcare organizations (her social work roots go deep!) and keynote presenter for education groups (once a teacher, always a teacher!)
Rants & Raves by Funny Motivational Speaker Linda Larsen
All of us have been on the receiving end of someone else’s anger, and through those miserable experiences, we have all learned one important thing:
We all have a core beliefs that guide our thinking and influence our actions. Mine is, “Good things always happen to me.”
Motivational Speaker Linda Larsen shares the FIRST step to mastering any external situation over which you feel like you have no control